Attack on Titan (Japanese: 進撃の巨人, Hepburn: Shingeki no Kyojin, lit. "The Attack Titan") is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama. It is set in a world where humanity lives inside cities surrounded by three enormous walls that protect them from the gigantic man-eating humanoids referred to as Titans; the story follows Eren Yeager, who vows to exterminate the Titans after a Titan brings about the destruction of his hometown and the death of his mother.
Our Shingeki No Kyojin - Guren No Yumiya Music Box is:
Individually Handmade.
Carefully Tuned to Perfection.
Made of Birchwood & Stainless Steel.
you can watch the full video through this link
We crafted the first Music Chests music boxes in our home garage just for our family and friends. They loved it so much, that we had to share that same enthusiasm with the rest of the world. Since then we have been able to serve our customers with the songs they want while never sacrificing our superior quality. Just like our very first box, each music box is still made with the same amount of love and attention to detail that we started with from the very beginning.